Monday, July 25, 2011


It's been an interesting few weeks and I'm actually contemplating writing some more in-depth (somewhat revealing) posts about a few things that I'm dealing with right now. But just to stave off the urge to not post ANYTHING unless I have something monumental to say....well...just thought that I should try to get into the habit of writing SOMETHING. Then, perhaps, my great works will follow...

As for now:
Enjoying the sun when it comes out. I've been on some new medication over the past two weeks and I think that my body/brain is starting to adapt to it. So it's a little easier to get motivated to head out and I've been trying to get into the ocean as much as possible. I hadn't surfed since I moved back to Cali in spring '10 until about two weeks ago. I'm trying to paddle out every day (or at least every couple of days). Waves are small but crappy and I couldn't be happier to get out into the water again.

Abiding, indeed.

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